Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Jom "Eye-Wash" di blogshop Kak Shima


Penatnye..penat coz tak tau nak buat apa dah. Idea nak design lesson pun macam agak kurang menyengat petang2 camni. So, aku nak chillax jap dan menyinggah cuci mata tgok items yg super hot di Butik Aku ~ my boutique which is managed by Sis Shima..(^_^).."hi sis, slalu singgah kat blog you nak survey items2 yg hot..berkenan kat one item ni..rase nak grab tp kena tanya sama Mr. Fiancee dulu.." Bukan ape..coz en tunang kita tu tak suka if boros2 sgt. Hidup biarlah sederhana..tak gitu??

So, for those ladies yg minat or gila kumpul koleksi handbag, tote bag, bucket bag..dan segala macam jenis beg tu..jom segera "eye-wash" di blog Butik Aku ~ my boutique ni. Kalau dah berkenan tu..grab le teruss!

Ni la item yg aku kenan tu..huhu..leh dpt tak ea? Tmpt letak hp dan kad2..duit pun rasenya leh letak kot??

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Time to pamper my skin..(^^,)


I'm on holidays. Time for relax..rest and pamper myself. ^_^  
Lama dah rasenya tak membelai diri sendiri..al-maklumla quite busy with work..works..and works. Huhh!
So,cuti ni plan nak buat spa sendiri di rumah. Just now, menggooglekan some old folks nyer petua. Dan, aku tertarik dgn petua menegang dan melicinkan kulit muka . Dulu2 aku slalu amalkan petua ni tau! Mase muda remaja.. ceaa..cakap mcm dah tua sesangat ek. And..so far, it's worked! 

Petua tu senang je. Guna telur ayam. Yess..an egg. Mana2 je uols leh dptkan.

Asingkan putih telur dr kuningnya, letak dlm mangkuk or piring. Perahkan sedikit jus limau nipis utk hilangkan bau hanyir..for those yg tak suke bau hanyir*. Cuci muka uols bersih2..lap kering and then, sapukan putih telur tadi ke seluruh muka. Let it dry. Elakkan drp bercakap or bergerak selama sejam atau sehingga masker telur itu kering. Cuci muka uols dgn air suam. 

Petua ni baik utk kulit uols tau. Baik LELAKI or POMPUAN leh try it out. Selamat Mencuba!

Friday, 27 May 2011

Hurrraaayyyyy! Its holidays...

Hurrayyy! I'm so excited! It's school holidays uols.. Happy coz I can rest and relax at home..spending my quality times with my families..sister-brotherhood..and at the same time..will keep on updating some 'untouch' work that I have not successfully managed. Anyway..hope this holiday will be an enjoying and fun for me!

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Wang Kertas RM20 Kembali Diperkenalkan...

Rear view..
Front View..

Haii Uols! Masih ingat tak note kertas RM20 ni? Khabarnye selepas 16 tahun, note kertas ini akan digunakan semula dan bakal diedarkan pada awal tahun depan. Wang kertas RM20 ni telah lama diperkenalkan sejak siri kedua pada tahun 1982..(tahun Lady dilahirkan ni uols..) dan telah dihentikan pengeluarannya pada tahun 1995.

So..sama-sama kita nantikn kemunculan semula note kertas RM20 ni pada tahun depan..dgn siri pengenalan yg terbaru!

>>>>>>>>>>>> sumber : Mstar Online

segmen 100 bloglist utk dilawati

Wanna join this segmen? Come on..click this Jokergurl. So...there you go gals..i'm on your list already! 

Friday, 20 May 2011

Yeay! My Shawl has arrived

Assalamualaikum readers! Juz wanna make it short and sweet here.. Lastweek, I've ordered shawls from this blogshop..and i am excited to say that my shawls has arrived. Yeay! Can't wait to wear new shawls.. Now, thinking of to wear shawls like "HANA TAJIMA" style.. looks really cool..!
Nice rite?.. The green one is mine..

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Hot Day!

 Feel so hot..lately. Need some thirst quencher. Lack of energy to do some work. Feel very tired..dehydrated.. yawnn..sleepy head. 

The best...Ais Kacang or ABC.. Wish i can graving this lovely ice-cool quencher. Hard to find here. Pity me!

Marvellous...awesome.. Mouth-watering..
Damnn..can't find this yummylicious stuff here! 
So..hard to find!

**pics taken from Mr Google**

Monday, 9 May 2011

Blog title and URL..has been changed!

Assalamualaikum everyone! How are you feeling today? Hope everything went well. It has been a long week since I didn't updated any post in this blog.. Well..actually, I do write everyday..and the updated entries are mostly written in my primary blog which is BitterSweetLurveLife. Nothing much to say, just wanna let you guys know and alert that, this blog of mine already changed the blog title and the URL address too. Previously, it was name as "Beauregard Boone" - something nice and beautiful and now, it has a new identity..which is "DeaLurve..B'Lurve@ DeaLurveAnthology"..(^_^) .. Its a reflection of mine, bout something that I like to do, things that I love which is online shopping...kind of. That's why I put some of my favourite blogshop list and banner at the side bar. Hope you noticed that. (^_^) And some sort of interests and hobbies of mine. Well, I think that's it. Till then..have a nice day ahead.

new URL : http://dealurveshopslist.blogspot.com

Sunday, 1 May 2011

FabuLouz Shawl's 1st Anniversary Giveaway

Hello there! See the badge above? Erm,jom kita join ramai2 giveaway ni. Mane tau, kot2 murah rezeki dpt la hadiah menarik dan superb lagi gojess drp FabuLouz Shawl blogshop ni. 
Nowadays,online blogshop yg dok jual2 shawls, hijab, muslimah clothing dan bagai..dah tumboh melata cam cendawan tumbuh slps hujan. Sangat mudah skrng ni kan? Kalau rase malas nak kluar shopping, bukak je laptop..and then trus jer jengah or terjah2 blogshop yg ade..pastu kl berkenan..booking..then buat payment..pastu tu tunggu brg sampai right to your doorstep! Sangat mudah..kan? At the same time...save time..save energy..save cost.FaboLousz Shawl ni juge one of my faveret blogshop,aku suke gak jengah2 blogshop ni..nk usha2 shawls yg comel2 dan shantekk! Tp,so far tak bersempatan lg nak menyambarnya. Harap sabarlah ye tuan belog.So, korang!! Ape tunggu lg, jom arr kite terjah ramai2.^_^
Cepat2..before GA ni due!

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