Sunday 27 November 2011

It's School Break!

Halluuu readers! Whoaaa...lama ek aku tak update blog aku yg satu ni. Nak buat camana kan coz aku lately quite busy dgn urusan keje je memanjang.. Banyak urusan yg perlu diselesaikan sebelum bermulanya cuti skolah. Yup! Now..i'm so happy that i can relief some of my stress dgn berehat dan bersantai di rumah. It's feel good to be at home.

So..for those of you, yg sdg bercuti skrg..i wish uols enjoy your holiday.. Kepada adik-adik yg masih belajar tu, cuti skolah ni manfaatkanlah dgn aktiviti yg berguna such as reading books, tlg parents kat rumah in stead of surfing 24 jam. 


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